Medical Image Computation
I gained most of my experience in medical image processing at Shanghai Jiaotong University as a graduate student from year 2019. I acquired skills of OpenCV, image visualization (VTK), medical image processing (ITK), software development (Qt) and then delved into Deep Learning. Concurrently, I progressed my coding skills using C++ and Python.
[Code] Orbital Rim Registration Software V1.1
Master Project, Supervisor: Dr. Xiaojun Chen
A software for point clouds registration based on VTK7.0 and Qt5.0. (you can cmake it😀)The basic algorithm is ICP, the number of iterations is set to 50.
The upper left window renders the stable STL while the upper right window can be input several STLs for transformation.
You can either registrate by right clicking (to get points) on STL or registrate directly by point clouds.
You can find details here.
[Code] Medical Image Segmentation using Tensorflow C++ API
Master Project, Supervisor: Dr. Xiaojun Chen
Shortened calculation time for medical image computation software by integrating deep learning.
Compiled the Tensorflow C++ library and converted image segmentation programs from Python to C++.
Developed automatic labeling algorithms based on U-net/V-net to segment mandible and bone graft in maxillary sinus.
You can find the code here.
[Code] Course Project of Advanced Biomedical Image Processing
Course Project, Advanced Biomedical Image Processing
Implemented several traditional algorithms in C++ with OpenCV3.4, VTK7.0 and QtGui.
Thresholding: OTSU & Entropy and Histgram
Convolution: Roberts & Sobel & Prewitt Operator and Gaussian & Median Filter
Morphology: Basic Operations, Morphological Edge Detection, Gray Scale Reconstruction, Distance Transform & Skeleton and Conditional Dilation
You can find the code here.